The Safety Vest N1 Woman a contribution of gender equality by Chilean standard Nch3262

Chaleco Geólogo N1 Mujer  un aporte de Igualdad de género por norma Chilena Nch3262 | Peregrin
Chilean Standard 3262 seeks to promote equality between men and women in organizations, generating a positive impact for people and their environment. To achieve this, it is proposed to implement a set of measures that promote and generate a cultural change that allows reducing gaps by favoring work, family and personal life, as well as co-responsibility, within organizations. At Peregrin we are cooperating with several companies that want to implement this standard, with a contribution from women's clothing.
´´We are not in times where women should wear work clothes with a design of
The N1 women's geologist vest is a vest with a physical and ergonomic design designed so that there is no gender gap in tasks, constructions and areas where women can be identified as such.
We invite you as a company to implement our N1 Women's Vests in your corporation.
This certification is the ratification of the organizational commitment to the development and well-being of people, promoting the creation of work spaces free of gender bias and equal rights and opportunities within the organization.

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